Orlando technology workers earn over 100% more than others
Metro Orlando tech workers earn more than their non-tech counterparts, according to a new report.
A new deep dive into tech salaries by tech trade association CompTIA found that the median tech wage for Orlando's tech workers was $87,114, or 132% higher than the overall median wage. The percentage difference is slightly higher than the national average — the median tech wage in the U.S. was $100,615, or 103% higher than the median national wage. In other words, metro Orlando has a stronger showing than the U.S. average.
Florida sat at the middle of the pack, with an $81,533 median salary for tech workers, which is 113% higher than the median average salary for the Sunshine State. Tech workers in Washington state have the highest median wage in the country at nearly $130,000, according to CompTIA's data.