Some Orlando bars and restaurants bank on late-night parties. Here's why.

The average bar makes about $900 in one evening, according to financial strategy website Investopedia, but Ricky Padilla — part of the management team at Artisan’s Table on Church Street — has seen bars rake in a lot more than that on a good night: “Small bars can make $5,000 and the bigger bars can make $30,000."

Padilla isn’t describing a typical night. He’s talking about a special night — one where a party promoter is involved. The top promoters have legions of trusting followers who constantly check social media for information about upcoming parties and events — including ones at Central Florida's restaurants and bars. 

Making a venue a late-night party spot brings obvious benefits to bar and restaurant owners and managers — the late shift is another revenue opportunity. But how do promoters make their money?  


Sarah Kinbar

When it comes to writing, I do it for love.


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