Bridg sets sights on NeoCity growth after major $160 million grant

John Allgair found out on his birthday when the U.S. National Science Foundation Engines grants would be announced.

The chief technology officer and interim president for Bridg on Jan. 26 learned the announcement was coming for the program and had to keep it under wraps until Monday. The nonprofit organization led the application that was one of 10 awarded up to $160 million over a decade, with the initial payment being $15 million over two years.

The award funds the Central Florida Semiconductor Innovation Engine within Osceola County’s 500-acre technology campus known as NeoCity. Besides Bridg, the engine includes multiple partner organizations including CareerSource Central Florida, Florida High Tech Corridor, Imec, Osceola County, Orlando Economic Partnership, University of Central Florida, University of Florida and Valencia College.

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Sarah Kinbar

When it comes to writing, I do it for love.


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